
A New Narrative for One Planet & One People!

Watch (16 min) | Robito Rants #2

Fed up with following the doom and gloom narrative?

This video is an updated edit from a video I created back in 2018 showing the mainstream narrative since 2001 and its untold rabbit holes.

Back in 2018, it seemed that an alien invasion would be the global external threat that would be launched to end the geopolitical power struggle that was leading to a war in Iran and a potential world war at that time.

Instead it was a virus.

The point is that whether terrorism, viruses, global warming or now aliens, the moves and countermoves of those obsessed with retaining and expanding their global geopolitical power have always involved scaring the global population and have always considered the lives of ordinary everyday people as expendable.

When we know this, we see the war in Ukraine is more of the same, the threat of financial collapse is more of the same, the protests demanding global change are more of the same, and climate change and alien invasion are more of the same.

In fact, if we go back through history, we see the same divide and conquer fear tactics used to control the masses since the beginning of recorded human history.

Of course, with advancing technology and continuous consolidation of power, the freedom and sovereignty of every individual is unceasingly reduced. And those at the top of this age-old pyramid structure only ramp up their goal to control all manners of human life with each new deliberately manufactured emergency.

But this will never stop. Once we know and accept this, do we want to just keep fighting the next plot against humanity, and then the next one, and the next one?

Covid accelerated a global awakening to the realisation that our freedoms are being taken away, people are being harmed, and those that claim to care about us and all their institutions (eg. education, medical, media, etc) are totally corrupt.

So with the majority of the world waking up, what is next?

Like those who shouted from the roof tops during the war on AIDS, the war on drugs, the Vietnam war, or WWII, how many external enemies before we focus instead on the war within us?

Because WE are creating the problem. Like Stockholm Syndrome, we the victims bond with our abusers. There is a part of each and every one of us that wants to hold on to the systems in place and hope things will change.

We demonstrate. We demand. We fight. We beg them: "Please listen to us! You can do better!"

At CPN, we have been saying all along that we are in an abusive relationship with 'the system.' The solution is simple but not easy.

Those in 'power' do not care if we fight among ourselves, if we demonstrate, if we deliberate, if we discuss, if we petition - and beg for change.

There is only one thing any abuser is afraid of. That the abused will ignore them - leave them - and create a new reality for themselves without them.

The only solution in any abusive relationship is to walk away, heal our wounds, and create that new positive reality we want for ourselves instead.

It is time to come together - united not divided - with oneness of purpose. That purpose being to unify as a global human community despite our differences and support each other as we focus on co-creating the world we want to live in.

Turn off the TV. Stop the doom scrolling. Stop ‘them versus us.’

Freedom comes when we learn how to let go of our conditioned limiting beliefs and fears, and show up as the example of oneness, unity and connection.

CPN is part of a rapidly expanding global community focused on empowered healing, solutions, and taking back the power and control over our own lives.

CPN is the Conscious People's Network

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Robito ♡