
Time to Do. Time to Be. Time to Play!

Watch (18 min) | Robito Rants #1

With everything that is going on in the world, I feel it is essential for all of us to work on gaining balance. We can get lost in the ‘being’ or in the ‘doing.’ Neither of those on their own are healthy.

We need ‘doing’ because happiness comes from meaning and purpose. We need ‘being’ because happiness comes from connection with the present - with our intuition/heart/soul/source (or whatever word resonates with you).

We also need to play! To let loose, let go and shake out all that stress, ideally in a healthy way rather than taking some external stimulant to do that for us.

That means going into nature, swimming, dancing, or just laughing. Laughing and being silly is sooo powerful. 😊🤪

So if you are struggling with the constant doom and gloom narrative out there, I invite you and encourage you to join us because we don't focus on the problems.

We focus on the solutions!

The Conscious People’s Network (CPN) on Telegram is focused on the path of least resistance, and taking positive change down to the people!

We are building a network on a personal level. That means supporting each other, networking with each other, focusing on unity consciousness (we are one), and offering our support in direct contact with the community we are building because we are all mentors - we all have skills to share. We are the heroes, and WE are the ones we are waiting for!

Each interviewee for my podcast series on this Substack joins us as a mentor and can share their content and communicate directly with YOU in the CPN Community, as well as post exclusive content as an admin in the Conscious People’s Network.

Everyone can be interviewed! No hierarchy. Everyone welcome.

So come join in as we connect with and meet the ‘famous’ and everyday ‘ordinary’ people doing extraordinary things, and get inspiration and support on our own personal journeys from these amazing and inspiring people.

Because ‘sometimes we need to stop talking about it and build our castle!’ 🏰

Sending you all much love,

Robito xx

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