We Free Ourselves Within
Freedom Within Podcast
Michelle Leduc Catlin & Canada's National Citizen's Inquiry into Covid-19 policies

Michelle Leduc Catlin & Canada's National Citizen's Inquiry into Covid-19 policies

Listen/watch (100 min) | Podcast #11

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Since the Covid pandemic, Michelle Leduc Catlin has been profoundly concerned about and affected by recent changes in human rights, civil liberties, and access to information - particularly as it pertains to health and well being.

Because of her own health issues, she has had to learn to find and follow cutting-edge, accurate, science-based information on health and wellness.

With the recent censorship of health resources, she feels she has a citizen's duty to share information, so people are empowered to disseminate and decide what the best course of action is for themselves and their families.

Michelle shares this information on her website GatherYourWits.com

Michelle spent many years in broadcasting, acting and studied Shakespearean theatre in Oxford.

Michelle says she is not an activist or scientist or health expert. However, she has now find herself on a journey as spokeswoman for the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI), a citizen-led and citizen-funded investigation into Canada's Covid public health response - to ensure any harms are never repeated.

In this live interview open to the CPN Community, Michelle explains how she ended up with chronic fatigue for 13 years and how, being unable to work for 7 years, she started to delve into “who I am outside of all the trappings of identity, and that led me to doing daily health research, and that meant that when all of this Covid crisis started - at first I assumed I was being told the truth - but as the health information came in, I could see there were discrepancies.”

When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced the "Vaxx Pass," she was so shocked that she rebooted her website to focus on sharing the scientific information about Covid with the public.

Michelle then shares how she went from sharing information online to becoming spokeswoman for the Canadian National Citizen’s Inquiry into Covid-19:

“It’s been a divinely guided journey where I had to give up all certainty, give up everything I knew, and just follow where I felt led,” she explains.

She explains how the Freedom Convoy was the first glimpse of hope, and how “little miracles” took her to Ottawa, put her in contact with freedom leaders from Quebec, as well as First Nations people, and then to a 10-day silent Vipassana retreat in Quebec to get clarity about what was next.

Those 10 days helped Michelle to realise she needed to “step up” and bring her broadcasting skills to bear. She ended up at a Freedom Café in Montreal with a Friday night psychic who told Michelle she is a “Spiritual Warrior” and her role was about to get a lot bigger.

Michelle ended up at a health conference in Toronto that was a fundraiser for Justice for the Vaccinated. A retired police officer there invited her to join a call with freedom leaders from across the country, and as a consequence Michelle was invited to be the spokesperson for the National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI).

The NCI began with 3 days of hearings in Nova Scotia, with 3-day hearings now continuing throughout the country in Toronto, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Alberta, British Colombia, Quebec and Ottawa.

“If I was putting together an education program,” says Michelle, “I would say everybody needs to watch the hearings.”

”This is a wake up call that we need to take personal responsibility for our lives, for our society,” she expands. “This is not about me or any special person. It’s all of us.”

Michelle then talks about a podcast she is launching where she will interview “the faces that we know” to find out “what is that element that had them step beyond their fear” because “this moment is not just that it’s required that we all true ourselves up to what really matters, but it’s actually an opportunity - because there’s nothing more fulfilling than living in alignment with your integrity.”

“It’s so fulfilling,” she continues, “to be living inside of a purpose.”

Michelle then explains how spiritual principles have helped her and how they are connected to what we are going through right now:

“When I was sick, the hardest thing to confront was letting go of my identity - letting go of who I was in my career, who I was in the places where I was volunteering, with my friends,” she explains. “If you’re not your career, if you’re not who you are in your community, if you’re not who you are as a friend - who are you?”

“All that was stripped away,” she continues, “and once I accepted it, I no longer had a concern about those things. I wasn’t concerned about ambition, or what people thought of me. .. I came to really like who I am. Who I am is my true self without all the identity trappings, and this is what allows me to speak the truth.”

For “when you’re no longer concerned about those identity trappings,” she points out, “you are free.”

Michelle then gives her thoughts on building a compelling alternative as “a phoenix rising from the ashes of what will be left of what’s here,” while also rescuing the constitution and charter of rights and freedoms that have been usurped and used against us.

She presents an approach we can take to bring to the attention of the public the ‘mistakes’ made during the Covid pandemic, giving examples how censorship and illegal segregation still continue in Canada, noting that the ‘emergency powers’ can be reintroduced at any time.

Next Michelle dives deep into why the National Citizen’s Inquiry "is a brand new exercise in democracy.”

“This is a citizen-led, citizen-funded initiative that we want to see catch on all over the world,” she explains. “Both expert and laypeople are asked: what could we have done better? What could we do better next time? So this is very much about finding solutions. This is not a political initiative at all. Anyone can volunteer. Anyone can apply to testify. We need donations.”

Michelle explains that mainstream media and politicians have been invited, and in fact politicians have now been summonsed, “so this is not meant to be some show trial,” continues Michelle. “This is meant to be a mechanism by which citizens can tell and find the truth.”

She refers to a survey that found 3 out of 4 Canadians feel they were harmed by the mandates, emphasising that the NCI is also an opportunity for Canadians who have been incredibly harmed by these mandates to be heard, and an olive branch to have a conversation as united Canadians about the disconnect from our values as humanity, and systemic problems, that all Canadians have experienced.

She gives examples of some of the big takeaways from the National Citizen’s Inquiry so far, including that “if we are not exercising our responsibilities, our rights are not guaranteed” and “we have to stop acting like we are outside of the system - that there’s people out there handling things.”

She recommends everyone watch the NCI presentation by Rodney Palmer that clearly shows we have been deliberately lied to by the media with propaganda, and then finishes with her advice for people feeling exhausted from Covid, the impending doom and gloom narrative, or struggling in these time right now.

“Go do something that forwards the world you want to see, the world you want to live in,” says Michelle. “Do the thing that speaks to you, that calls to you, that expresses who you are, and you will be completely enlivened by that.”

“This is a turning point for humanity,” expands Michelle. “We get to say what direction this goes in, but it’s not gonna to be someone on the TV, it’s not gonna to be me, not gonna to be you, it’s not gonna be any single one of us on this call - it’s gonna be every one of us stepping up.”

”This is the greatest opportunity we’ve ever had to be our greatest selves, to live inside of that,” concludes Michelle. “I’ve never felt more fulfilled in my life - because what else are we here for?”

Michelle’s Website

Michelle on Twitter

National Citizen’s Inquiry (NCI)

NCI Hearings

NCI on Twitter

NCI on Rumble

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