Hi Robito, great ensemble of information. I totally concur with the idea that AI could act as some sort of wake up call.

On another scale of things, I'm curious to know what all those experts said about the pandemic. I do know that Chomsky completely bought the narrative, and that Mark (Crispin) Miller totally did not. What about all the others?

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Hi Eduard. Thanks for reading and taking the time to comment. Actually I don't know the answer to your question. But I do have an answer 🙂 I know Michael Moore who features in the documentary believes 9/11 was organised by Bin Laden. I think he also believes in the Covid jab. But he caused a massive uproar in the environmentalist movement when he produced Planet of the Humans and said the climate narrative doesn't make any sense. I know Gabor Maté (who I respect but doesn't feature in the film) also fell hook, line and sinker for the Covid narrative, including the jabs. I think he changed his mind more recently. Basically, my point is that the information these guys share about how propaganda works in this film (or how trauma works in the case of Gabor Maté) doesn't have to be lessened by falling for the propaganda techniques they have discovered and shared are being used.

In fact, I'd say all of us are hypnotised by mass media to some extent. Even those who consider themselves 'awake' find out something else is no longer what they once thought it was.

We're all in this learning/awakening and we fumble along together ♡

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Thanks and Amen Robito!

I'm very curious about people's cognitive dissonances and how they manage (or not) them. I think it's beautiful when somebody bravely admits in public that they were wrong, like we've seen with Mike Adams and Mike Yeadon on germ theory, or Naomi Wolf on the whole shibang.

Don't remember now where I read or saw this (was it in your movie?), but I recall somebody saying that we're all biased to think that we're immune to manipulation. Thus, I believe we're actually a lot stronger when we're ready to admit that we're not.

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Hi Eduard. Thanks for your comment. I love "we're all biased to think that we're immune to manipulation". I always think 'just look at how much manipulation it actually takes in the media, schooling, advertising, etc etc to actually try to control humanity'. We are indeed far more powerful than we actually believe. Robito ♡

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Hey Robito, just watched. Very very good.

I was aware of the facts exposed but you know what I thought, this should be shown in schools to upper school students and to young adults in general. Waking up potential is tremendous!!So intelligent to start with Freud/Bernays as evidence which makes it very powerful. Brilliant how from " harmless " photo images at the beginning in re to Bernays manipulating the masses - women in beautiful fashion, men in cars looking strong and potent - to gradually more agressive images - exposing the manipulation of girls/women being turned into sex objects and men going to senseless wars killing each other. Powerful having the girl talking about her sister cutting herself. Just the right dosis! My conclusion: Who's hidden desires are we really talking about/seeing pushen through? Thank you!!!

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Thanks Kira. You fully understood my intention from the way you describe the build up in the video. Your conclusion is an interesting one and one I would love it if more people asked themselves after watching the film. I was once more focused on promoting critical thinking and exposing the lack thereof in our society, and that was indeed my thought process when creating the film.. That it should be relevant to every day ordinary children and adults. Unfortunately it won't get shared in schools, but how wonderful if it were... In some critical thinking type class for example, or even segments in a gender studies class. Thanks again for your kind comment! ♡

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That’s an interesting thought… how would the covid ‘pandemic’ have gone if no one had been watching tv, or if there had been no tv? I think we would have all been less stressed, less fearful and less vulnerable to the manipulation, and more free to make the choices we really wanted to make.

It reminds me of Orwell’s 1984, (which I last read before that date), in which the tv was used a lot to control and influence people… he was quite perceptive in predicting the future so accurately.

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Hi there. That's exactly what I think too. Full agree with you .. "I think we would have all been less stressed, less fearful and less vulnerable to the manipulation, and more free to make the choices we really wanted to make." In fact, for many in the countryside or residential areas, the pandemic would not have existed at all because there was nothing actually going on outside in the real world around them. 99.9% of the fear came from the media. Quite profound when we really imagine how we would have reacted differently as humanity. Thanks for your comment ♡

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Well said, I needed this today as well….

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Ah thanks! Glad it perked up your day ♡

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Excellent Robito, though AI will not be our Liberator, but rather our Enslaver :(

FYI - Check out my Linkedin article - "Why the World is going insane and what you can do about it":

"Why the World is going insane and what you can do about it"

- By Dr. Howard Eisenberg, December 4, 2023, Linkedin

The reason that we Humans were able to advance and become the dominant species on Earth was because of our greater ability to learn, communicate and collaborate with others.

However, these are now by contrast increasingly divisive times. And as the saying goes – united we stand, but divided we fall. The serious consequences are all too real with our increasing epidemics of loneliness, distrust, and uncivilized angry outbreaks.

Heed the Lesson from the ancient tale of ‘The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’:

Just because western science has facilitated our ability to change and create things, does not mean we have the ‘wisdom’ to deal with the consequences of the now life-destroying pollution and increasingly-heartless dehumanization.

The modern industrial economy and our increasingly materialistic lifestyle, has cost us polluted air and water all over our planet and devastating global climatic disasters. Multiple species are falling extinct and people all over the world are increasingly being forced to become desperate ‘climate refugees’.

Perhaps the development of powerful computers and AI is really a Faustian-like bargain. Our increasing dependency to have to be online for almost everything costs us both our inner intuitive sense and the outer warmer, face-to-face heart-nourishing connection we vitally need. So despite the tempting distractions of the online world, it’s dehumanizing and makes us feel increasingly isolated, confused, and lonely.

Importance of ‘Emotional Self-Regulation’:

When we feel overwhelmed, we feel weaker with less sense of control. When fear of being a passive victim is stirred-up by events and the intentional manipulations of self-interested political actors, it stimulates the primitive Fight or Flight stress center of the brain called the Amygdala. Once the Amygdala is triggered it takes over command, (“Amygdala Hijack”), and causes a reaction of over-powering fear. This literally drains the blood away from our thinking portion of the brain, (the “Pre-Frontal Cortex”), and takes our thinking capacity ‘off-line’. So when in a state of fear, we feel weak and cannot think clearly.

By contrast, when we feel anger - we feel stronger. When self-serving opportunists stir up our fears and then re-direct the emotional energy into anger, it feels like more of a desirable feeling of strength. And when people join with others in anger due to some outrage or conspiracy thinking, it amplifies the feeling into becoming intoxicatingly irresistible - as in the crazed destructive power experienced in “mob mentality”.

In order to properly process our emotions, we need to learn to detach somewhat and think through our feelings. As in the powerful insight from the psychiatrist, Dr. Viktor Frankl - “Between Stimulus and Response there is a space, and in that space is our freedom to choose”.

When you experience either fear or anger, you are just experiencing having the awareness of powerful emotions. It’s important to know that you always have a potential choice to think through and beyond those feelings, instead of being mindlessly controlled by them. For where your focus goes - the energy flows. This possibility of learning to be able to make wiser choices when experiencing strong emotions is illustrated in the old indigenous Cherokee “Parable of the Two Wolves”:

An elder Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is

going on inside all of us,” he explained to the boy.

“It’s a terrible fight between two wolves. One is evil. The other is

good. The same fight occurs inside you.”

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his

grandfather which wolf will win.

The wise elder Cherokee replied, “The one you feed.”

If we humans are somehow going to be able to survive our dystopian societal breakdown and the multiple looming existential disasters, then we must learn to reconnect with each other and take more respectful care of our home planet!

As the first step, be guided by the wisdom of The Golden Rule and intentionally choose to connect and be nice to each other for a happier life!

My inspirational and empowering new book – “Dream it to Do it: The Science and the Magic” – reveals how to free yourself from the toxic emotions and illusions that entrap us, and instead participate in seeding a new and better vision for the world.

Copyright, Howard Eisenberg, M.Sc.(Psychology), M.D., Toronto, 2023.

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Hi Howard. A psychologist, physician and scientist and pioneer in human consciousness no less! :) Thanks so much for your comment and for sharing your perspective. My thoughts to respond ..

In the article I'm asking whether people will want to continue engaging in mainstream and alternative media consumption once it clicks that we literally have no idea anymore what is real and what is not - or what we can trust and what we can't. I'm positive I will not be the only person asking that question, and those that do will be faced with the choice of tuning in or turning off.

You write "AI will not be our Liberator, but rather our Enslaver." I disagree. Why? Because no one knows the future and because we each have that said choice to tune in or turn off. Reading your Linkedin article, you seem to agree with me: “Between Stimulus and Response there is a space, and in that space is our freedom to choose”.

That space or freedom to choose is the inner knowing between the thoughts - our conditioning/programming. You also write "It’s important to know that you always have a potential choice to think through and beyond those feelings, instead of being mindlessly controlled by them." I would say we always have a potential choice to "feel through" (not think) and beyond them (ie. to release the feelings and let them go).

Our essence, called as you know in psychology 'the psyche' or 'the unconscious mind', is not our thoughts or brain. It is that part of us that exists regardless of what or whether we are thinking or not. The essence that existed before you knew your name.

I agree "we must learn to reconnect with each other and take more respectful care of our home planet" and we should "be guided by the wisdom of The Golden Rule and intentionally choose to connect and be nice to each other for a happier life!" .. but it all begins with learning to reconnect with ourselves - with who we truly are on an unconscious level.

That is how you can "free yourself from the toxic emotions and illusions that entrap us, and instead participate in seeding a new and better vision for the world." The thoughts are supposed to be a tool, not our identity.

I just checked out your book. Looks like a really interesting read! ♡

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Excellent writing and revealing 👏👏👏💯🙏💝🌅

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Many thanks Patricia. Glad you liked it! Robito ♡

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I needed this today. Thank you, Robito. 🙏

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Ah thanks Michelle for reading. That's a really nice happy profile pic. Love it! If you need a little cheering up today, ask what your 5 yr old self would do. And do that (if it's splashing naked in a puddle, maybe adapt it slightly) :-D Sending hugs your way ♡

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If people are really AWARE, then they can THINK through whatever comes up with 'non-attachment' & wise discernment. BUT currently most are entrapped like the prisoners in Plato's fabled Cave - their amygdala's have led them astray. My book, "Dream it to Do it: The Science & the Magic", is a global Wake-Up Call - it reveals the underlying TRUTH of our existence, (and as in the Bible - 'Ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall set ye free')!

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My point is that if people are really AWARE, they are not acting from thoughts. ♡

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