
What is Mass Formation and What We Can Do About It?

The Solution to Mass Formation & Why Critical Thinking is Not Enough

The above is a webinar I gave for the World Council for Health (WCH) on June 15th 2022 also now available for sharing on Rumble, BitChute, Odysee and YouTube.

Watch the webinar above and read the article The Solution to Mass Formation and Why Critical Thinking is Not Enough below.

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I wanted to call the webinar The Solution to Mass Formation but was told “We can’t call it that because no one knows what the solution to mass formation is.”

I disagree.

I use testimony from Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Dr. Matthias Desmet, scientist, medical doctor and stem cell regenerative medicine expert Dr. Robert Lanza, and visionary author Charles Eisenstein to present the argument that we do indeed know the solution to Mass Formation.

The question is more - are we ready to embrace it?

The article:

On March 26th 2022 I sent a draft article to Dr Tess Lawrie called The Solution to Mass Formation and Why Critical Thinking is Not Enough asking “if we might turn it into an article for the WCH website?”

Tess liked the article writing “Thank you Robito, great work. Yes, an article based on this would have a home on the WCH website. Would you like us to take from here or do you wish to write the first draft?”

I handed it over to the editorial team. Unfortunately it was never turned into an article for the WCH website.

The webinar also never made it on to the WCH website. (I finally received a copy on April 4th 2023 which I am proud to now be able to share with you here).

I think this is a crying shame, since both the article and the presentation present a necessary paradigm shift in our focus which, in my opinion, would rapidly take us to the realisation of the world we would all like to be living in.

Here is a draft version of the article for your reading pleasure:

The Solution to Mass Formation and Why Critical Thinking is Not Enough

Critical thinking is “The objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.” The inability to critically think is a global problem.

Not many people can critically think, and this article will explain why, but even when we can accept something as fact, we always add a subjective interpretation, and that is just as important. Let’s dive in:

Negativity bias

Negativity bias is the tendency to focus on the negative.

Researchers, such as Professor Alison Ledgerwood at UC Davis, point to our evolution as the cause (to protect ourselves from danger).

But it is also likely to be conditioning.

We know that long-term mediators, people who live in the present and do not worry about the future, are not negative.

The Pirahã tribe in the Amazon only have language for the present, do not worry about the future, and are considered one of the happiest peoples on Earth.

Yet we have constant doom and gloom to worry about. We learn we must not fail from parents, in education and at work; our economic system is built on constant debt, and the media - films, TV shows and the news, for example - focus on threats we must deal with and overcome.

We are programmed from our social environment to focus on and fear the negative.

Cognitive Dissonance

Cognitive dissonance describes the mental process or mental conflict people go through when the anxiety or fear that the person feels about their external circumstances overwhelms them.

The unease or tension in people is relieved by one of several defensive maneuvers: they reject, explain away, or avoid the new information.

Emotional and Motivated Reasoning

Two common ways people deal with the cognitive dissonance that occurs when living in a constant state of anxiety or fear are emotional and motivated reasoning.

Emotional reasoning “refers to the use of subjective emotions, rather than objective evidence, to form conclusions about oneself and the world."

For instance, a person who feels that they are stupid and ugly therefore concludes he or she actually is unintelligent and unattractive.

The Daily Mail reported actual Covid deaths were overestimated; an emotional response would be "the journalists always knew and just did not tell us."

Motivated reasoning is a similar emotional bias. We internally seek structure or sense-making when we are full of anxiety, fear or terror.

For example, a parent may ignore the frightening signs that his or her child is using drugs and believe the child’s false proclamations to the contrary which put the parent at ease.

Another example would be rejecting the Daily Mail article because Twitter said “the link may be unsafe."

Why is everything in our society so negative? Because our fight-flight-freeze responds to it, keeping us focused on the external threats, not on our own needs.

In a constant state of anxiety, we are easy to control and manipulate simply by manipulating how we feel. This is made absolutely clear in consumer psychology - buy this product and you will be happy.

Mass Formation

Hypnosis is a state of willing deep focus on one particular object – like masses focused on Super Bowl commercials - which puts us into a brainwave state directly connecting to our subconscious.

Mass formation, explains Professor of Clinical Psychiatry Dr. Matthias Desmet, is using this technique to take total control of the masses.

Hypnosis can heal, but totalitarianism requires people to first be manipulated into focusing on one external object and then tricked into obedience.

In order to achieve this, four criteria must be met:

First, the masses must feel alone and isolated with a lack of social bond. Second, their lives must feel pointless and meaningless, often as a consequence of feeling alone. Third, the masses must feel constant free-floating anxiety, psychological discontent or fear about one particular threat (this creates hypnosis - constant bombardment with one provided object of focus that people willingly focus on). Forth, this must cause constant free-floating frustration and aggression.

Authority then provide the totalitarian solution to the mass-scale external threat which relieves the anxiety and frustration. Studies during Covid times on the moralisation of policy show this is occurring.

Desmet suggests only 30% of the population is hypnotisable, 40% follow the crowd, and 30% see the lie.

However, the important thing to note here is those who see the lie, if full of anxiety and fear, still join the other 70% in giving their health to the authorities because "emotionally and cognitively, only a small part of reality becomes important."

For example following vaccine injuries, CBDC plans or Ukraine, while ignoring "their physical and emotional state, their health and wellbeing,” explains Desmet.

The Solution

To go back to where this all begins, the solution is break the negative habit of focusing on the external threats.

Inner positivity - or positive emotions - undoes these effects. It repairs mental and physical health, broadens physical, intellectual and social resources, and optimises our thought-to-action repertoire.

Barbara Fredrickson, an award winning social psychologist and Director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory at Carolina Uni at Chapel Hill, has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles on positive emotions, demonstrating how a positive mindset improves people’s overall mental and physical health, and helps us correct, restore, and undo the effects of negativity.

For over a decade her research explains how positive emotions “share the feature of broadening an individual’s momentary thought–action repertoire" but also “share the feature of building the individual’s personal resources, ranging from physical resources to intellectual resources to social resources."

Studies also show a positive outlook decreases the likelihood of having or developing a disease (including heart issues) and increases general longevity.

Such skills, benefits and resources are accessible through cultivating a positive focus and more important in today's climate than ever before.

Dr. Desmet continues that speaking the truth “stops atrocities from being committed” and “totalitarianism and mass formation always ends up destroying itself” but “never try to beat the enemy,” arguing with people in mass formation increases their feeling of threat and will only increase the cognitive dissonance.

Dr. Desmet explains that instead, “we should try to show them that there are other ways to change this old normal” by focusing on a positive new alternative.

We live in a quantum gravitational universe with “a globally agreed-upon cognitive model" and the “Observers ultimately define the structure of physical reality itself," explains Dr. Robert Lanza.

To create a positive world, we need a “profound shift in our ordinary everyday worldview" from “a network of observers," continues Dr. Lanza.

“We have to make our own narrative as strong" and “as convincing as possible” says Dr. Desmet, and if we "can identify and agree with each other” then we will “play an important role in the rebuilding of a society according to new and more human, more ethical principles."

In other words, if we can nurture and develop a positive mindset, believe in and focus on a positive outcome — collectively as a network, this will become reality.


My freedom work ⬇️

I provide global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back power and control over our own lives.

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Email me for more info or to book a session: hello@robitochatwin.com

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Robito ♡

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