Welcome fellow awakening souls! 💙
We Free Ourselves Within will help you release stress, heal traumas, and empower you with the inner guidance, strength, hope, happiness and purpose that will move you safely through this global transition from the crumbling old into the new that’s being born - as we find ourselves living now between worlds.
Be the example of the world you want to see. We're the ones - the heroes - we're waiting for. We Free Ourselves Within.
About me:
My name’s Robito Chatwin and I’m nomadic; I’ve travelled to 45 countries.
During the height of Covid, I was sleeping in a tent on the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage walk through Spain. 3 voices spoke to me. One said "stop." Another said "Sometimes people need to stop talking about it and build their castle." The last said "You have all the tools you need."
Everything started to lock down around me. I took a 5 euro flight to Portugal (cause no one was flying) and came here to build my castle; the aim of this Substack is to inspire and support you as you build yours.
I’m a full-time meditator, tutor of critical thinking at a UK university, founder of CPN - aka the Conscious People’s Network - and the hypnotherapy ambassador for the People’s Health Alliance (PHA) with my own very unique freedom-focused approach to hypnosis.
The left side of my brain became teaching critical thinking and questioning everything - with an open mind. The right side of my brain became Freedom Hypnosis - and deepening our connection to the unconscious mind.
The left side is my interest in how quantum mechanics and the science today’s explaining the right side of my brain, my interest in spirituality and what has been claimed to be true through experience for 1000s of years.
My unique approach to hypnotherapy called Freedom Hypnosis is focused on clearing trauma, stress, and deeply re-connecting to the inner guidance and freedom that lies within each of us at the core of our being.
I work with, serve and help the famous and non-famous in the truth/freedom movement and the great awakening and consciousness expansion movement to unleash their next level of truth and freedom from within.
About this Substack:
The whole world now knows what it feels like to be told you can’t travel, or go to a restaurant or café, or visit relatives or friends, or even leave your home, for fear of being punished. We all got to taste what it feels like to be in prison.
Covid accelerated a global awakening to the realisation that our freedoms are being taken away, and institutions that claim to care about us (eg. political, medical and media) are beholden to influential powers that do not care.
As an ever-increasing number of people now start to ‘wake up’ - or peel away the onion layers of what we’ve been taught to believe about ourselves and the world - we're getting closer and closer to who we truly are individually - and as humanity.
In my podcast we explore the wisdom of everyday ordinary people - both famous and non-famous - busy building a better/ideal world for themselves - and for us all.
I also publish empowering presentations and films you can watch, as well as my rants (blog) and online offerings (events).
In the media:
The America's Frontline Doctors wrote an article (March 20th, 2023) for Frontline News about my personal and global freedom work:
In his teenage years, Robito suffered from suicidal ideation. He describes his experience:
I didn’t want to kill myself. I just longed not to be here. Nothing ‘out there’ made sense to me. I lived in an area of England where cars were regularly stolen, drugs were rife, girls were getting pregnant at 15 and younger, and people left school at 16 with no real hopes or aspirations.
I was born intuitive and critical. I questioned school uniforms, testing intelligence with exams, messages in advertising, taking tax from wages, and many other things that just didn’t feel right to me. My mum would ask me why I can’t ‘just behave,’ but I looked at the world and thought ‘This is bullsh*t. This can’t be it.’
After finishing school at 18, Robito decided to travel to compare his life experience with that of people in different parts of the world. It was Robito’s experience living with freedom-loving people in Granada, Spain that opened his eyes to a new way of being. “It was the first step to freeing myself,” he comments. “After Spain, I made it my mission to discover what ‘happiness’ is.”
Robito then began his journey of inner work. He practiced enjoying the present through meditation by following, trusting and making decisions from his intuition, noticing negative thoughts and judgments about others and reframing them, facing and overcoming his fears, not caring what others thought of him while caring about others, and spending many hours camping alone in nature. These experiences led him to new revelations about happiness:
Happiness does not mean that we never get angry, frustrated, upset or sad. It is a lasting state of peace within regardless of how we feel. This comes after many years of work on myself, but what I do is simple. I don't let my ego join in. Through deep practice in meditation you realize you are not your social conditioning, your programming or your thoughts. When we stop listening to our ego - stop trusting it - and listen to our intuition - and trust it - everything works out. At first you call it coincidence. Then synchronicity. Then you call it the universe helping you out. Then you just open up humbly to the mystery of the subconscious.
In fact, Robito believes, “To free ourselves from the doom and gloom narrative, perhaps the most powerful tool we can develop is positivity, positive emotions, and our own ability to focus on the positive.” He expands:
We live in a globally agreed-upon cognitive model of reality. To build a better world, we need a profound shift in our ordinary worldview and inner state. If we want to live in a world that is not angry, reactive, discriminatory and hostile, we need to do our anger and hostility management. To live in a world that is positive, we need to be positive people in it.
Robito explains that happiness is a state of peace that comes from a place of freedom within:
We need to get rid of our stress and come into a state of balance. Then we can connect with our intuition - our subconscious - and feel how we should optimally act and positively contribute, so that doom scenarios diminish and the future turns out positive.
Go to the full article
My freedom work ⬇️
You don’t need to be in a mess to benefit from a de-stress and inner guidance from within your own subconscious.
I provide global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back power and control over our own lives.
Freedom Hypnosis:
Email me for more info:
Conscious People's Network:
Further links & contact:
My Supporters:
I’m adding empowering, solutions-focused content for all subscribers. Over time I will be providing exclusive content to thank my paid supporters.
All subscribers can read, watch or listen to all my interviews and articles for free. Starting this 2024, I will be publishing guided self-hypnosis recordings for paid supporters! Super supporters can claim one 90 min 1-to-1 session.
If you enjoy my content, please share it with others and/or support my freedom work by becoming a monthly or annual paid supporter here. Robito ♡
ALL donations received go back into my various freedom-focused initiatives at https://robito.info
Love and hugs from Robito (and my biggest fan, Lucie) ♡