
Conscious People's Network and the science of a positive outcome for humanity

CPN is an online community creating a beautiful vision for a better world

Hi all! This packed post introducing the Conscious People’s Network (CPN).

Join the Conscious People’s Network on Telegram here and meet wayshowers, changemakers and light workers - just like you!

We’re not only affected by our past experiences, but also by current global events. In turbulent times, positivity can seem hard to come by, but CPN is delivering a powerful dose of optimism, hope, and a beautiful vision for a better world …

CPN is a growing global community run through Telegram where the famous or non-famous in the ‘truth/freedom movement’ and the ‘great awakening and consciousness expansion movement’ leave competition and ego behind and share in unity what we’re all doing to help humanity move into a better/ideal world.

CPN is a conscious awake and aware global family of mentors sharing practical knowledge using both our left brain (science) and right brain (spirituality) to help us all grow, evolve and up-level to our own next best level of us as we transition from the old into the new! 💙

We share all our content for free at http://cpn.family. You can follow us there by email to receive new uploads in your inbox.

We free ourselves within

“This online community is creating a beautiful vision for a better world”

History of CPN

I launched CPN on Telegram as Covid Positive News in January 2022. CPN began offering posts highlighting positive developments in the unfolding COVID story and spotlighting the many people and organisations demanding open discussion, informed consent, freedom to choose, and freedom of speech. The channel grew exponentially over the following months, reaching 27,000+ subscribers.

CPN Mentor and support columnist for the America's Frontline Doctors, Sarah Perron, wrote in an article published March 20th, 2023 for Frontline News about the creation of and vision for CPN:

”It was shortly after his travels that COVID hit. Robito comments:

I knew I wasn’t going to take a fast-tracked experimental vaccine, and once I put my critical thinking hat on to explore how dangerous COVID was and current mRNA technology, I saw once again that none of this made sense. I had a mini crisis. Like many of us, the announcement of a pandemic and COVID restrictions changed my life forever.

Through the challenges of that time, Robito was able to combine his critical thinking skills and newfound understanding of happiness to create CPN. He explains how the idea came from the latest research on constructive journalism, solutions journalism, and the emotional and physical benefits of nurturing a positive outlook.

“Positivity does not mean ignoring the problems and only focusing on unicorns and rainbows,” he emphasizes, “but training ourselves to see the positive in the negative, by nurturing emotions like optimism, hope, gratitude, forgiveness and empathy.”

Although it may initially cause some internal resistance to hear, freedom is not really about external circumstances at all, but an inner journey.

The solution is freedom, but freedom comes when we learn how to let go of our limiting beliefs, and show up as the example of the world we would like to live in.

As much as many don't like to believe it, the science clearly shows focusing on love, solutions and the positive is what ends mass formation and creates that better or ideal world we all welcome.

Science of CPN

Barbara Fredrickson, an award winning social psychologist and Director of the Positive Emotions and Psychophysiology Laboratory at Carolina University at Chapel Hill, has authored over 100 peer-reviewed articles on positive emotions, demonstrating how a positive mindset repairs people’s overall mental and physical health, and corrects, restores, and undoes the many detrimental mental and physiological effects of negativity bias - or focusing on negativity.

For decades her research has shown how positive emotions “share the feature of broadening an individual’s momentary thought–action repertoire" but also “share the feature of building the individual’s personal resources, ranging from physical resources to intellectual resources to social resources."

In other words, inner positivity enhances people mentally, physically and socially.

Studies also show positive emotions increase general longevity (i.e. we live longer) and decrease the likelihood of developing any disease, including heart issues.

"If you are by nature a cheerful person and look on the bright side of things, you are more likely to be protected from cardiac events," says study leader Lisa R. Yanek:

"People who had a positive outlook were one-third less likely to have a heart attack or other cardiovascular event within five to 25 years than those with a more negative outlook."

The belief in a positive outcome literally heals us (placebo effect), and the belief in a negative outcome literally makes us ill (nocebo effect).

"The placebo effect can do things that are apparent miracles," Dr. Campbell explains, and "there is a placebo or nocebo effect in absolutely everything."

A study in Psychological Science explains people who experience upbeat emotions make more social connections, and this in turn improves physical health:

"Results suggest that positive emotions, positive social connections, and physical health influence one another in a self-sustaining upward-spiral dynamic."

"People tend to liken their emotions to the weather, viewing them as uncontrollable," says Fredrickson, but, she continues:

"This research shows not only that our emotions are controllable, but also that we can take the reins of our daily emotions and steer ourselves toward better physical health."

Our tendency to focus on the negative (negativity bias) can thus be retrained, and research shows one way to nurture that positive mindset is to read constructive, solutions-focused news which leaves us inspired, optimistic, and willing to meet opposing views, and with stronger intentions to engage in pro-social behaviours (i.e. to engage in the world positively and constructively).

CPN started as a news channel based on the science of positivity and constructive solutions-focused journalism to help people focus on what is going right and to experience the many benefits of nurturing a glass half full perspective. It became much more. ..

Community at CPN

CPN quickly became a global network of conscious (awake and aware) people who are choosing to focus on solutions - not problems - and do the inner work.

CPN's activities expanded to also include free online support sessions given by a group of volunteer mentors. Each mentor offering his or her own speciality to help people dealing with the stresses of these unprecedented times.

The CPN community can also interact with each other and the mentors, and I have read and responded to the chat comments since CPN’s inception, where subscribers have gratefully expressed feeling supported and held by the CPN team in these difficult times.

Covid Positive News was renamed the Conscious People's Network on March 20th 2023 to reflect the shift and transition we are all personally and globally on as we collectively move beyond the COVID story.

My words from the aforementioned Frontline News article:

“The idea behind CPN has always been organic and changing with the global situation and with the vision and goal of the CPN mentors and my own intuition. CPN has become a network for conscious people, people who are awake and aware to the fact that the world is not the way we have been told it is. CPN will become a place where all those people doing great things can share what they do because this is not about hierarchy and this is not about one group or person. This is about all of us.”

The word 'conscious' means "having knowledge of something" and being "aware of and responding to one's surroundings."

CPN has indeed become a Conscious People's Network, but - as we move beyond the events of COVID - is no longer only a global community of the famous and non-famous in ‘the truth/freedom movement’ but fast becoming a community for the global unifying ‘great awakening and consciousness expansion movement’.

For now the global majority are peeling away those onion layers and part of what we begin to discover as we peel away our programming is the feeling and inner knowing that we are all one. We know this intellectually thanks to quantum physics, but no one wants to hurt or harm others when we begin to feel that Golden Rule ‘what we do unto others we do unto ourselves’, only to love, help others, serve, optimally act and positively contribute, so that doom scenarios diminish and the future turns out positive.

After all, we live in a quantum gravitational universe with “a globally agreed-upon cognitive model" of reality and the “Observers ultimately define the structure of physical reality itself," explains Dr. Robert Lanza.

To create a positive world, we need a “profound shift in our ordinary everyday worldview" from “a network of observers," he continues.

In other words, if we can nurture and develop a positive mindset, believe in and focus on a positive outcome — collectively as a network, this will become reality.

So whatever phase you are in on this journey, whether just realising the reality we once thought was true is crumbling, or discovering the truth of who you are at your essence in the core of your onion, reclaiming your health and power and strength, or exploring how you personally can contribute to a better reality here on Earth, CPN is for you!

CPN is an invite for anyone focused on 1) collaboration 2) empowered healing 3) solutions (love) not problems (fear) 4) taking back the power and potential of our own lives 5) co-conceiving & being an example of the life/world we want to see.


My freedom work ⬇️

I provide global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back power and control over our own lives.

About me:

Freedom Hypnosis:

Conscious People’s Network:

Further links & contact:

Joe Martino, founder of The Pulse and Collective Evolution:

Email me for more info or to book a session: hello@robitochatwin.com

Robito ♡

We Free Ourselves Within is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts and support my work, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.