We Free Ourselves Within
Freedom Within Podcast
Rain Trozzi talks with Robito about his life journey pre- & post-Covid

Rain Trozzi talks with Robito about his life journey pre- & post-Covid

Listen/watch (47 min) | Podcast #16

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This interview was originally published April 7th 2023 as the first Rain Drops podcast episode for Over to the Youth. The description reads:

In this recorded conversation between Over to the Youth founder Rain Trozzi, and founder of the Conscious People’s Network Robito Chatwin, the two explore Robito’s unique journey as a life-long nomad; the tools and gems he found along the way; his covid experience and how he found resilience in the face of fear. Robito describes his inspiration for taking a stand and building Covid Positive News and helping heal people with hypnotherapy. Finally, as the Covid era passes and new challenges lay up ahead, he explains why he is re-branding his channel to “Conscious People’s Network” and what his new and developing vision entails.

Check out all Over to the Youth content on the OTTY website and on Rumble, and if you missed it be sure to watch my podcast Ep.6: Rain Trozzi on the youth, privacy, Bitcoin & Dr Mark Trozzi (his dad).

This write up continues below with more detailed background about this podcast episode, how it came to be, about my journey, and find free links to studies and resources that I mention in this episode.

Paid supporters can also download a copy of the e-book that started me on my spiritual journey - or journey to happiness and inner freedom - called How To Be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World at the very bottom of this page.

Please consider becoming a paid supporter. Enjoy a 30 day free trial (you can cancel at any time).

Behind the Scenes:

I met Rain Trozzi when I was volunteering for the World Council for Health at the Better Way Conference in Bath May 2022.

Like many of us, I was moved by Rain’s talk on ‘healing and strengthening the continuity between generations’ for Conversation 3: Fostering Active Communities. You can watch Rain’s speech and the other talks here.

As the ‘pandemic’ narrative began to come to a close, and I was in the process of transitioning Covid Positive News into the Conscious People’s Network, I asked Rain if I could interview him for my own podcast series about ‘everyday ordinary people doing extraordinary things for a better/ideal world’ and it was following that interview that we found both our projects highly aligned.

Rain founded Over to the Youth as a support network for ‘awake and aware’ youth going through these times, and to enable the youth to share their experiences and knowledge as content on the website. On OTTY, it says:

Over to the Youth is a community of conscious individuals with a shared vision of creating a harmonious world with meaningful, soulful and resilient relationships between each other and our environment. Together, we choose to be the change we wish to see, fostering health and self-empowerment, with a focus on building bridges between mentors and mentees.

The Conscious People’s Network has almost exactly the same goal - to bring together a community of conscious individuals focused on the vision of creating a harmonious world and being the example of that - and to support each other.

Therefore, it was easy for both of us to see that these two projects could not only collaborate but compliment each other moving forward.

When Rain asked me to be his first podcast guest and talk through my journey “pre-Covid, Covid and post-Covid,” I was honoured.

I enjoy listening to this interview again because I was really in the flow and open when sharing a few of the key moments from my life.

Rain started the conversation with the question: “Who were you before the Covid phenomena, what were you doing, and what were your passions?”

Immediately I answered with “travelling was my passion” and “my mission for a long long time was how to be happy.”

I talked about my journey through suicidal ideation in an interview I did with Dr Tess Lawrie in July 2022 for her Substack interview series Tess Talks.

In this interview with Rain, I expand on that experience and how I not only thought the world out there didn’t make sense, but “I also had this feeling like I just wanted to go back where I came from.”

At some point I will share some of the poems I wrote about the ‘ultimate adventure’ being when we are dead.

I do not mean life on Earth should be avoided; I’m convinced that if we escape life on Earth by ending our life, we only have to come back and face our unresolved traumas all over again (see the work of Dr. Ian Stevenson and Dr. Jim Tucker at the Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia).

What I mean instead, is that I felt that where we came from and who we are in-between lives is where the true magic of our existence lies.

As I say in this interview, I didn’t want to kill myself, though I was certainly depressed, but I just felt that “before I was born I was a lot better off.”

It was actually my optimism and determination that my life experience can be more positive and things can and will improve that kept me going.

And when I said to myself “I’m gonna do whatever it takes to be happy,” it was a very serious decision - like a switch that turned inside me. I use that analogy of a switch (or key) when I do hypnotherapy sessions with clients.

I learnt in my own experience that once we ‘switch that switch’ or ‘turn that key’ from the cause of unhappiness to the solution, everything else starts falling into place.

The book that I mention in the interview that started me on my path to happiness How To Be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World still exists, but was published October 2011 and is no longer free. I share my copy of the 91 page e-book I found all those years ago for my paid supporters at the bottom of this page.

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go to bottom of page for PDF

I then decided to quit my job, take my money, and unconditionally follow 4 rules for 1 year that I had summarised from the books I had read, which were:

1) focus on the present moment 2) follow your intuition 3) be your inner child (do what gives you joy) and 4) face your fears.

My main fears were the dark (so I camped alone in the Amazon), heights (so I did 5 paragliding flights on my own), and deep water (so I went diving with sharks).

Still today I follow those rules and believe from my own experience that if you do the same with serious commitment, magic will happen in your life.

I can recommend anyone start their spiritual journey - or journey to happiness and inner freedom - following those rules. At some point I will write more about that journey, the synchronicities, and its mystical conclusion.

I then skip through my experience as an Au Pair in the States, which is another journey I would love to share in more detail at some point moving forward.

But Rain then asks me how Covid changed my life, and I dive into how the Covid pandemic was traumatic for me - as it was for so many others.

Like so many of us, it changed my life, and I mention how my initial 3-day shock actually had a much longer lasting traumatic response within me than I first realised, but I continued to follow my intuition which took me to Portugal and that also ended up being one of the best blessings in my life.

I also share the story of my lucid dream that was the inspiration for this publication’s title and description We Free Ourselves Within.

I would love to share with you more about this chapter in my life too. Actually as I write this, I see that I should perhaps share my full life story at some point. I feel that reflecting on it could benefit many people, including myself.

Rain then asks me about why I started ‘Covid Positive News’ when “so much of the human conscious attentive energy and creative energy went into very negative coverage of Covid matters.”

I explain that one reason was I already went through my ‘waking up’ experience with 9/11, the Twin Towers and the War on Terror in 2001.

Here is the 2009 study I refer to about military grade thermite found in the rubble left by the 2 planes that brought down 3 towers (yes 3 towers), and here is the comprehensive 50-page PDF guide to the World Trade Center evidence by Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth called Beyond Misinformation: What Science Says about the Destruction of World Trade Center Buildings 1, 2, and 7.

click image for PDF
click image for PDF

The conclusion of the 2009 study reads:

click image for PDF
click image for PDF

In other words, the towers were blown up.

I then explain the second reason for creating Covid Positive News on Telegram was “I already knew the science behind positive psychology, and so the idea behind Covid Positive News was to present a way of looking at things which makes you feel better” physically, emotionally and mentally.

I explain in more detail the research on constructive journalism, solutions-focused journalism, the emotional and physical benefits of nurturing a positive outlook, and I will of course write more on this in the future too.

The final reason for creating Covid Positive News was to support people struggling in these times, as well as to drive the message home that we are in an abusive relationship with a system that does not care about us, and the only solution in any abusive relationship is to walk away and “build the world we would like to live in and leave behind this stuff that doesn’t care about us.”

Rain closes by asking me how this led to rebranding Covid Positive News as the Conscious People’s Network, and what the purpose of CPN is now:

“As I saw that some people were kind of moving away from Covid, .. what we can do now is .. those people that understand that we need to focus on the world that we want to create, we can collaborate together,” and “the CPN Community .. is those people that liked Covid Positive News, that see the value of focusing on the positive, that are doing the inner work, that are looking for community and friends, .. that are not interested in focusing on the doom and gloom” but “being an example, and holding space,” and “we will see how this all unfolds, but I’m sure whatever happens, it’s gonna be exciting.”

We Free Ourselves Within is reader-supported publication. Paid supporters can claim a free gift at the bottom of this page. Subscribe for free to receive new posts in your inbox.

Check out:

Over to the Youth

Over to the Youth on Telegram

Conscious People's Network (CPN)

CPN Community invite link

My Freedom Hypnosis

All my info

Paid Supporters:

Below is my copy of the 91 page e-book I mention in the interview that started me on my spiritual journey - or journey to happiness and inner freedom - called How To Be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World.

The normal price online is $2.99 USD and paid subscription to my Substack is just $5 a month. Please consider a 30 day free trial (you can cancel at any time).

"This Book Can Change Your Life" True and lasting happiness always comes from within. "How To Be Happy and Have Fun Changing the World" reveals simple, but profound insights that will help you to live a more fulfilled and happier life. If enough individuals use them, it will change our world for the better. You will understand how this is possible by the time you finish reading my happy book. "Your book is brilliant. Thank you for your masterpiece that you are sharing with the world. Your Happy Book has blessed me and will inspire all who are touched with its magic." - Steven Ferrel "Thank you so much! You are an inspiration for humanity - Changed my life!!!" - Andrew Klaassen

Download the 91 page e-book as a PDF below this pay wall … ⬇️

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