
Sound of Freedom - Good or Evil?

Watch (35 min) | Robito Rants #3

Hi subscribers and supporters!

I am currently teaching critical thinking at a UK uni (yes, there is a uni that teaches it) and I am exceptionally busy!

But I have still found time to put together - especially for you! - my own critical analysis of the very controversial film Sound of Freedom.

This video includes clips from some of the most popular films ever to have come out of Hollywood and even includes a twist!

I hope you enjoy it, and I really look forward to your comments and thoughts!

If you do find this analysis interesting, please share this link with others:

I by no means claim to have monopoly on the truth but it’s taken me quite a few hours to put this video together so I do hope I present some new and interesting perspectives and some food for thought.

About the video:

This video critically evaluates the criticisms of Sound of Freedom coming from both mainstream media and the truth/freedom movement.

The question whether Sound of Freedom is ‘good or evil’ is kind of a trick question. One of the first things I teach university students learning how to critically think is to use the phrase ‘to what extent’ when evaluating because nothing is a simple black or white - yes or no - answer.

This video concludes that the answer to whether Sound of Freedom is good or bad is therefore also nuanced, but there is a positive conclusion to be had.


Jordan Peterson Interview: The Fight Against Worldwide Child Slavery & the Sex Trade | Jim Caviezel and Tim Ballard | EP 372 - YouTube

Tony Robbins Interview: Sound of Freedom: New Film Exposes the Dark Truths of Human Trafficking - YouTube

Gregg Braden Interview: Gregg Braden & Daniel Estulin - Divine Spark vs Pseudo Soul - YouTube

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Robito ♡

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