
Learn the S.H.A.P.E. of Your Birth Chart!

A 10 grand 6-month course in astronomology packed into 3 ½ hrs!

Hi there everyone. I haven’t been publishing on Substack recently because as the founder of the Conscious People’s Network I’ve been busy updating the platform with all our CPN content (a mammoth task) which is now available at http://cpn.family

1111 Subscribers on Substack! 💟

I recently received an email that I’ve reached 1111 subscribers to my Substack. If numerology means anything at all, this is a pretty awesome number!

Thank you all so much for supporting my work! ♡

This announcement has happened at the perfect time for me because I’ve just finished with updating the content for CPN, and I’m really excited to be able to focus now on publishing my own articles and content again here on Substack!

Before I do, and as a present to you amazing 1111 Substack subscribers, I share with you here the most fascinating, informative and fun CPN presentation I have personally had the pleasure of both editing and being part of (so far). ⬇️

The S.H.A.P.E. of My Chart ⚡️

Watch or download the full 3 ½ hour presentation here! - an interactive workshop delivering the equivalent of a 10 grand 6-month course FREE!

click on image to open!
click on image to open!

The amount of professionalism and skill in the way Litmus A Freeman shares the science, ‘astro-psychology’ and ‘astronomology’ of reading and understanding the significance of our own birth chart is much more than a simple course in Birth Charts 101 and truly blew me away!

This is not some wishy-washy crystal ball, new age ‘believe it because I say so’ talk about horoscopes and fortune telling.

Litmus knows his stuff - to a mind-blowing degree! - and explains how and why we should be taking this information seriously if we truly want to break free from the Matrix of lies, conditioning and programming we’ve been subjected to since birth.

About this Workshop ⬇️


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Download the slides FREE at https://wisdomworkouts.net or click here (PDF).

Workshop Agenda:

☀️ How to Read Our Birth Charts.
☀️ The Main Components of Our Birth Charts.
☀️ The 3 Most Important Parts of Our Charts.
☀️ Our Dominant Zodiac Sign Energy.
☀️ Our Chart Ruler (Planet).
☀️ 2 Great Ways to Use Our Charts to Help Our Lives and Relationships.

About Litmus ⬇️

Litmus A Freeman created his own Universal Celestial Calendar (UCC) after he realised that to break free from control systems includes realigning with our own natural universal cycles to ‘Free the Body, the Mind and the Spirit’.

In his 1st CPN presentation, Litmus explained the importance of understanding the nature of natural cycles and The Great Year of Consciousness for putting our current paradigm and the ‘great awakening’ into the bigger picture context.

In his 2nd CPN presentation, Litmus presented the Astronomology of natural cycles and the Zodiacs for practical everyday use to aid the understanding of who we are and the development of our consciousness.

Get to know Litmus. My podcast with Litmus on Substack:

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Conscious People’s Network

For those who don’t know, Conscious People’s Network is a conscious awake and aware global community sharing practical knowledge using both our left brain (science) and right brain (spirituality) to help us all grow, evolve and up-level.

Find us on Telegram or read my article about CPN on Substack here:

See you here on Substack very soon with a new deep dive! In the meantime, you may wish to check out some of my other content already available on Substack including some of my own personal favourites: Sound of Freedom - Good or Evil?, Your Innate Child Psychic Abilities, AI and Mainstream Media - The Movie and What is Mass Formation and What We Can Do About It?.

My freedom work ⬇️

I'm Robito Chatwin, founder of Freedom Hypnosis and CPN, Tutor of Critical Thinking at a UK university, and hypnotherapy ambassador for the PHA.

I provide global support as we the people heal our wounds from past and current events and take back the power and control over our own lives.

More about me:

Freedom Hypnosis:

Conscious People’s Network:

People’s Health Alliance:

Further links & contact:

Email me for more info or to book a session: hello@robitochatwin.com

If you enjoyed my content, please share it with others and/or support my freedom work by becoming a monthly or annual paid supporter here.

Paid supporters have access to the community chat and can direct message me here on Substack at any time. Next Substack post coming very soon!

Robito ♡

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